Covid Safe Video Crews

Our company has adopted a strict set of CDC compliant procedures while we continue both our field and studio/office work.

The use of PPE will be required for all individuals entering the premises. This includes both clients and staff. Additionally, a non-contact, infrared thermometer will be used to take the temperatures of each individual before entry is permitted. Those whose temperatures are elevated or who are presenting symptoms of illness will be denied entry.

All staff with the capability to work from home will continue to do so.

A minimum of six feet of on-set distance will be required for all video subjects, talent, and staff.

Separate vehicles will be driven to film on-location as much as is feasible.

Upon arriving to the filming location, work will be done separately when possible.

covid safe video crews

We will deploy the fewest crew members needed without sacrificing project quality or experience. Each crew member will maintain a safe distance from subjects and location staff.

To further eliminate the need for close contact, pole-mounted boom microphones will be used to record audio. If the situation requires a lavalier microphone to be clipped to the subject’s clothing, our PPE-equipped audio technicians will provide fully sanitized equipment and keep contact to an absolute minimum.


Rob Haller

St Louis Video Producer St Louis, Missouri, USA | Video Production